Tuesday, November 27, 2012

U.S.G. & WBNY Present "Karaoke Night"

        With the song list in circulation and the music blasting wall to wall, the retail side of the Student Union took on more of the role a bar, as opposed to a place of dining.
        As students filled the tables, all that was heard were the sounds of laughter accompanied by the DJ’s voiceovers and pop tunes playing in the background.
        The Union, as it is commonly called, had now become a karaoke bar. And students like Victoria Horecki were determined to showcase their talents, as well as try their hands at a prize.

        Having just a few moments till the show, the DJ started early and introduced Horecki as the first performer. With all eyes on Horecki, she stood in the center of it all.
        Singing Evanence’s “Wake Me Up Inside”, Horecki’s voice over it’s tune, filled the air of the once designated dining area.
        "Karaoke Night", which took place Nov. 15, was thrown by both the Student Life Committee of U.S.G. and 91.3FM WBNY.
        Giving students the opportunity to enjoy a free night of karaoke, by performing students entered to win one of five $15 gift cards for things like Applebee’s and Tim Norton’s.
Victoria Horecki Performing "Wake Me Up Inside"
        Ultimately winning an Itunes gift card, Horecki was one of about 30 students who performed that night.
        The fashion and merchandise major said that she’d been looking forward to the event and truly enjoyed it.

“I like it. It’s fun. I was waiting for this event,” said the junior from Long Island.
        Also performing Evanescence’s “My Immortal“, Horecki said she enjoys karaoke and signs up whenever she can.

“Whenever I can find it, I’ll sign up,” said Horecki.

        However, Horecki wasn’t the only who admitted to regularly taking part in karaoke in her spare time.
        Cory Farnung, who also performed that night, said that he’d done karaoke not too long ago with a friend while playing “Guitar Hero”.
Cory Farnung Performing "The Real Slim Shady"
        Performing “The Real Slim Shady” by Eminem, the history major said he was pleased to take part in the event.

“I just wanted to be apart of it and spread the entertainment,” said Farnung.

        The freshman from Rochester, also performed Bon Jovi’s “My Immortal”, and in fact went on to win himself a $15 gift certificate for Tim Norton’s.
        The event, which has taken place two times prior, usually happens at the end of every semester. Brian McDermott, of 91.3FM WBNY, said the event aims at get students active, and to have good time in the process.

“We just wanted to get students active, and we know people like karaoke,” said the junior from South Buffalo.
        As “Academic Inquizition” on Nov. 28 in Bulger North will be USG’s next event, “Battle of The Orgs” on Nov. 29 in Moore Complex Lounge will be the next appearance of WBNY.
        In the meantime, “Karaoke Night” accomplished what it had initially set out to do.
Which as McDermott kindly put it,

“We just hope everyone enjoys themselves, and that we get our name out there,” said McDermott.

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