Tuesday, November 13, 2012

U.S.G. Presents "Movie Night"

       In a half lit room, students sat arm to arm facing a movie projection on the wall. As remnants of Chinese food and popcorn filled the air, students paid full attention to the images ahead. When the credits passed and the movie began, so did the students. Laughing all the way to the end.
       "The Campaign" which starred actors Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis, was shown this Thursday inside the Student Union Game Room. The movie was one of many shown throughout the school year in conjunction with the United Students Government's movie night.
       Funded through the student activity fee, the event gave students an opportunity to watch one of the latest movies for free. It also maintained the convenience of not forcing students to leave campus in order to do so. According to fashion and dance major Andrea Wright, this is ultimately the purpose behind throwing the monthly events.

“We try to make it convenient for students so that they don’t have to leave campus,” said the Bronx native.
       Wright who’s the assistant vice president of student life, said the event has taken place more than five years, and aims to unite as well as entertain the students.

“We wanted to have a way to entertain students with movies that’s out. That’s why we throw them,” said the senior.

       Where there's usually a big turnout, the 40 to 50 students who seen "The Campaign" were nothing compared to the 80 and 90 who attended "The Avengers" and "The Dark Knight Rises" said Wright.

       However despite the decline in audience, students like Aaliyah White still came out to enjoy the show.
       Previously attending movie night, the business major said she’s all for the event and thinks it’s great.

“I feel like they [U.S.G.] do a lot. It’s perfect. Once a month is fine,” said the freshman from Houston.
       Camila Gomez whose from White Plains, was also in attendance with a buddy. The freshman said she feels the event is cool as well.

“I think it’s kind of cool that you can watch a movie for free,” said the political science major.
Students Watching The Campaign
       Unlike the others, the event included both popcorn and Chinese food that was provided by Chartwell’s. While students like White enjoyed the food provided, the final showing of this semester is approaching.
       Sparkle which stars Jordan Sparks, will be shown Dec. 6 at 9 p.m. inside the Game Room. As students are encouraged to attend, it will conclude the fall 2012 semester of the U.S.G. movie night.

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