Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Pride Alliance Presents "Cirque du Drag"

        On a softly lit stage filled with colored balloons and a “Welcome” banner, Mama Toto strutted her way to its center. As Beyonce’s “Freakum Dress” began, “To be or not to be…” all that could be seen was Mama Toto dancing and jumping about.

In a chocolate colored halter dress, gold heels, and hoops to match, Mama Toto put on her best performance of hyper drag, to an already worked up crowd. Spinning her head and swinging her arms, she dropped her body to the ground and brought it up, never missing a beat.

With the crowd under Mama Toto’s spell, she ran her fingers through her locks of hair, then sprung her body into a split. As the crowd went wild and students scurried to the stage with dollars in hand, “Cirque du Drag” was now in full effect.

         Hosted by the Buffalo State Pride Alliance, the much anticipated “Cirque du Drag” show took place this Thursday in the auditorium of Rockwell Hall.

With about 300 hundred people in attendance, students and outsiders alike got to enjoy a free show of Drag where Drag Kings and Queens performed in front a live crowd.

Filled with lip syncing and dancing, Mama Toto was one of seven students who performed that night, alongside six professional performers from Club Marcella.

Sasha Nivar, which is her official name, said she was driven to perform after her roommate and girlfriend encouraged her to try out her freshman year. Now a senior and about four performances down the line, Nivar said she truly enjoys performing and thinks the show is great.

“I really like it. I like that it gives people an opportunity to come here and support our fellow students,” said the sociology major.

Describing her experience as “fun and liberating”, the Bronx native, said the organization of the show and large turnout are some of the things she enjoys most about it.

“I like the organization, the energy, I love the amount of people who come. And that we’re able to perform and be ourselves and have fun,” said Nivar.

The show, which takes place at the end of the Fall and Spring semester’s of every year, is usually apart of Union Bash, which happens in the Campbell Social Hall.

         However with the Social Hall under construction, the circus themed show was moved to Rockwell Hall, where it provided sufficient space for the large and lively crowd.

Andrea Tabak, who was in attendance with some friends, said she really enjoyed it.

“I thought it was awesome. I liked the performers and how they got the crowd going,” said Tabak of Cheektowaga, N.Y.

Melissa Mrozek, who came to support a friend in Pride Alliance, said she enjoyed the show as well.

“All the dancers were very enthusiastic,” said Mrozek of Depew, N.Y.

The show which lasted a little over two hours, aims at giving insight to those unfamiliar with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender community.

According to the Vice President of Pride Alliance, Zakiyyaah Simmons, the show was created with great intentions of bringing a positive light to those in question about the L.G.B.T. community.

The anthropology major from Buffalo, said not only was the show open to students on campus, but so is their organization.

Describing Buffalo State Pride Alliance as more than welcoming, Simmons said students are encouraged to join regardless of sexual orientation.

As “Cirque du Drag” is among their most popular events held throughout the year, the organization indeed has much more to come.  
         For those interested in Pride Alliance, they can learn more by attending the general interesting meetings Tuesday’s and Thursdays during Bengal pause on the Fourth floor of the Student Union.

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