Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What Does It Mean To You?

      Scattered showers weren’t enough to keep students from attending this year’s king and queen preliminaries in hopes of gaining a homecoming crown.

      The preliminaries which were held in the USG Gameroom, gave students an opportunity to showcase their talents to a panel of judges who would ultimately decide their fate. 

       In the gameroom, the contestants individually entered the tryout where they showed their talents to approximately four or five judges, according to Tom Koller. Through things like comedy, singing and dancing the contestants tried to best to prove that they indeed had talent which is what the judges were looking for.

      Inside the tryout room, contestants like Regan McGannon gave it their best shot with high hopes of receiving calls later that evening confirming that they’d succeeded. Pushing them one step closer to the crown and the final prize of $450.00 in money for books.

Regan McGannnon

      McGannon, who performed her lacrosse stick trick, said she was driven to enter the competition after attending it her freshman year. 

“I saw the competition a couple of years ago, and I thought it was fun. I enjoyed it a lot and I wanted to do that for people this year,” said the elementary and exceptional education major. 

      Now a junior, McGannon said she’s extremely proud to be attending Buffalo State College and would be pleased to its’ homecoming queen. 

“It would mean a lot to me because I take pride in being apart of the Buffalo State community. I‘d be really happy and thankful,” said McGannon.

      However, McGannon isn’t the only one who feels that gaining the crown would be great.

      Jennifer Gelormino who did stand up comedy, said she’d not only be grateful for the crown, but for the prize that accompanies it as well.

Jennifer Gelormino

“I believe there’s a gift certificate for books. That would be nice to not have to pay for books next semester, said the hospitality and tourism major.

      Encouraged by her sister to compete, Gelormino believes that among the group she’d make a great queen.

“I have great talent and I’d make a great Queen,” said Gelormino.

      Among other contestants, Khadijat Olagoke also tried her hand at becoming a finalist in the competition. 

Olagoke said that winning the crown wouldn’t only be a great achievement, but show that Buffalo State believed in her.

“It would mean a lot. I feel like this school had put a lot into me and it’ll show that Buffalo State believes in me,” said the first year contestant.

      The double major of political science and spanish, said that ultimately her pride in Buffalo State is what drove her to enter the competition.

“I just have a lot of Buffalo State pride, so why not? I believe in Buffalo State,” said Olagoke.

      The preliminaries which were held last Tuesday, gave students an opportunity to show their skills just days before a final decision was to be made. According to Koller, of approximately the six girls and five guys that tried out each made it to the next and final round. However there could only be two winners who would take home a crown.

      While the ladies were among the many who tried out, ultimately the decision was left up to the judges who’d decide the best suited king and queen to take the thrown. 

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