Monday, October 22, 2012

The Ink Club Presents "Greeks Speak"

       As the students trickled in, the Ink Club stood center attention of the lecture style classroom preparing to begin their annual Greek Speak event. When all was settled and the room nearly filled, they began by introducing themselves and then welcoming their first opening act.

       As a member of the Alpha Nu Omega fraternity made his way to the front, the audience’s attention quickly shifted and the room grew intense. Facing over a 100 pairs of eyes in a room of silence he began with a prayer, then shared his thoughts with the world.

       The Greek Speak event, which aims to enlighten student awareness of Greek life on campus, gave Greeks an opportunity to express themselves amongst peers.

       Through things like poetry and story-telling, sororities and fraternities took center stage to share their emotionally driven pieces and countless experiences.

       The Ink Club, which is a student based organization, created the event after finding that many students were particularly interested in Greek life.

       Mercy Badmos, who’s Vice President of the Ink Club, said the event was specifically designed to give students more insight into Greek life.

"There’s a lot of Greek life on the campus, and a lot of people who are interested,” said Badmos.

       Badmos believes the event presents a perfect opportunity for self-expression, which is ultimately what the Ink Club is all about.

“People speak through their poetry. It’s a form of expression. That’s what the Ink Club is all about,” said the communications major.

       Kuburat Ibikunle, who’s the Event’s Director of the Ink Club, expressed how she loved that the event incorporated everyone among the student body.

“Because the Ink Club always likes to incorporate everyone, we brought the Greeks out to express themselves. We do not single anyone out,” said the communications major.

       Ibikunle said her hopes are that students will take away more from the event than merely entertainment.

“I hope that people will have more knowledge of the Greeks out there, with all the Greeks coming out,” said Ibikunle.

       The event, which featured Greeks including Iota Phi Theta, Phi Beta Sigma and Omega Phi Beta, not only captured the audience’s attention, but a number of students say they enjoyed it.

“I enjoyed it. It was a little short, but the content was good,” said Diamond Mazelin.

       Mazelin who majors in social work, said for her the best part of the show was a duet performed by members of Iota Phi Theta and Omega Phi Beta.

“I really like the group with the duet,” said Mazelin.

       Philicia Montgomery who was also in attendance, said she felt the event went great.

“I thought this event was very successful given that both FSA and USG were holding events at the same time. I thought they had a good turnout and great feedback in relation to the audience’s reaction and applause,” said the writing major.

       When discussing upcoming events, both Badmos and Ibikunle brought up their much anticipated “Sexclusive” event. As they encourage students to attend, it will also feature a collection of poems and short stories and will take place in Bulger North on December 6.

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